Spare a thought for those who need help at this time of the year

December 26, 2014 in Uncategorized |

As the busy world around us slows down for a few days during the holiday season it is important that we remember that there are people who are less fortunate then we are. When we reunite with our friends and family, some who we haven’t seen in months or years, remember that there will be some people who will be alone. When we sit over our Christmas dinner, remember that there will be some people who will go hungry. When we open our gifts, remember that there will be some people who receive none. While some of us are blessed with friends, family, food and presents, others will not be as lucky as we are. We can however, make things a little better for those who are less fortunate in any number of ways.

Whether it’s the generous 86-year-old Betty Williams hosting a Christmas lunch for strangers, or a young boy using his savings to give the homeless a Christmas lunch, there are a number of ways in which you can help out those who are lonely, or less fortunate. Donating your time, money, used clothing or old electronics will go a long way to those who need it. Making a difference is also as easy as calling, emailing or messaging someone who is lonely on Christmas. I would encourage everyone to do what they can for those who need it whether it be big or small, it will make a massive difference to them during this time!

As the holiday season comes to an end with Christmas, and we enter the New Year, Mosaic Home Care Services & Community Resource Centre would like to wish everyone a safe, and happy holidays! We are excited for what awaits in 2015! See you soon!


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