More than ever before the world needs Social Workers…

February 28, 2021 in Social Work |

Social workers are a part of the helping profession. I first learned about social work when I was in Highschool because my mother works at a hospital and works closely with social workers daily. After learning more about the role of a social worker, I was drawn to this field. I graduated from Ryerson University with my Bachelor of Social Work degree and minored in Family Supports and Community Practice.

Throughout my years being a social worker, I have learned that life can be joyous and exciting, but it can also be very difficult. Social workers are the individuals who support people through these hard times.

There are various sectors within social work that you can specialize in. I’ve worked in many different sectors including disability, homelessness, mental health, but I was drawn to gerontology and working with older adults. Through case management at Mosaic Home Care, I have worked specifically in areas involving senior’s mental health, Alzheimer’s and Dementia, addictions, palliative care and end of life, outreach, advocacy, and navigation and support for older adults and their families. As the Family Social Worker Consultant, I work very closely with families daily. Advocacy has been a very important part of services provided, and Mosaic provides resources, services, and programs within the community that individuals can access. There are many challenges that older adults face as they age, and it’s been my goal to assist individuals in the aging process.

During the pandemic many social workers have taken on an increased role that has led to higher rates of burn-out, general fatigue, and we continue to manage various challenges. However, providing solutions to individuals and working closely to increase their overall well-being has been rewarding. It’s also been important to focus on self-care and I’ve been enjoying exercising, going for long walks outside, golfing in the warmer months, spending time with close family and taking part in Zoom birthday parties and celebrations. I’ve also spent a lot of time reminiscing on my favourite memories and activities before the pandemic began. One of my favourite memories includes an annual baking event at my aunt’s house around the Christmas holiday.

In the photo I am seen with my Nana, who is very special to me. I’ve been able to see her ‘from a distance’ during the pandemic and I cannot wait to continue our baking tradition when it’s safe to do so.

As we always say at Mosaic Home Care, “compassion is our passion” and the world needs us (social workers) now more than ever before.

– Sarah McGilvray

Family Social Worker Consultant

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