Hands off our gold

And another post from Morwenna Given: BIOPIRACY? Hands off our gold! Gold, Egyptian gold, that is what Nestle, a corporate multinational, is trying to control contrary to international and national patent law.


What did the Cradle of Civilisation eat?

February 23, 2014 in Health & Nutrition, Health and exercise |

Another guest post from Morwenna Given, a medical herbalist, this time on diet.  Most things you read about diet tend to be a few quick magic bullet points intended to sell magazines, but this I think you will find interesting:  WHAT DID THE CRADLE OF CIVILISATION EAT? At this time of the year after the […]


A sister’s story of her soldier brother and his post traumatic stress from serving our country in Afghanistan

February 15, 2014 in Uncategorized |

Jennifer who works in our client services department at Mosaic has provided this human interest story of her brother (an infantry solder in the Canadian Military deployed to Afghanistan).  Thank you again Jennifer for this poignant and emotional story that I’m sure will help other families in knowing they are not alone in dealing with […]


The Shakespeare New York City–British Inspired Pub

February 13, 2014 in Uncategorized |

For those who like travelling to New York and like British inspired pub food, try “The Shakespeare”.  We attended this quaint British style relaxed pub which was the venue for my brother-in-laws 50th Birthday party with friends from all over from Jersey, London England and Canada.   The event was titled “Forever Young!” It certainly felt […]

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